Modified on 2012/10/01 12:10 by Chad Lowe (CTS) — Categorized as: Uncategorized

PLOT_RIBBON( <topvalue>, <botvalue>, <linewidth>, <topcolor>, <botcolor> )

PLOT_RIBBON( <topvalue>, <botvalue>, <linewidth>, <topcolor>, <botcolor>, <opacity>, <offset> )

Draws a ribbon plot of the value.

Function Parameters
<topvalue>The top value to plot.
<botvalue>The bottom value to plot.
<linewidth>The width of the lines.
<topcolor>The color of the top line.
<botcolor>The color of the bottom line.
<opacity>How dark to fill the space between the lines (0 = no fill, 100 = solid fill).
<offset>The number of spaces to offset the plot.