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Page History: Account Risk Setup

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Page Revision: 2011/06/22 14:08

Risk Setup

I. Introduction This document is for administrators and outlines how to setup users and accounts. It also covers how to enable risk management and configure risk parameters. All the user and account administration is done via the website. CTS will provide the firm an administrator login which can be used for all setup and risk updates. Once the administrator logs in, he will see the following menu:
Home - View announcements/statements (optional)
Accounts - Create and edit accounts
Users - Create and edit users
Firms - Create and edit Child Firms
Contracts - Enable/Disable contacts and set margin values
Data Files - View data files from previous days
Downloads - Download T4 applications, user guides, etc
Change Password - Change current password
Logoff - Log off the website
II. Home The Home page of the T4 website displays any announcements that the administrator wishes to send to any sub-firm. To send a message, go to the SendMessage section under Accounts. The Home page has a link that allows the administrator to download the T4 application.
III. Accounts The accounts screen allows the administrator to setup and edit accounts as well as send messages to any account. Account statements, orderbook data, various report and charts can all be viewed from this section.
a. Statements Administrators can view the statements of anyone they have access to. For example, a parent firm administrator can view everyone’s accounts, while a child firm administrator can only see the customers in that child firm.
b. Orderbook Data Administrators can view all orders, fills, leg fills and positions for any particular day, by account. The date, account and exchange can be selected to narrow the search. If a day session has ended and T4 has removed any customer’s trade records from the front end, this is where the data can be viewed. CTS stores the data for 7 years.
c. Reports This section displays various order activity reports, exchange instructions and account risk details. Administrators can view reports including order activity by day and month, and order activity by day and month by market. The exchange instructions and risk details reports create a text file providing information for some or every account. Exchange instructions include executing group, CTI/origin and other account related information. Risk details include max clip/position, money loss, margin %, etc. Both these reports are useful tools to give an administrator a snap shot of the setups for all or some accounts
d. Setup The Setup area is where administrators can setup and edit risk and account information.
A list of all current accounts is displayed. To create a new account, click the link at the top of the screen. You can also click to view a list of deleted accounts.

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