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Page Revision: 2018/04/06 12:07

CFE/BATS Migration

CTI - (Tag 9702, CTICode)
Origin - (Tag 47, OrderCapacity)
Account Code - Ignored
Open/Close - (Tag 77, OpenClose)
Member Allocation - (Tag 115, OnBehalfOfCompID). Enter EFID configured in the CBOE/BATS web portal.
Trader Allocation - (Tag 440, ClearingAccount). Enter the Clearing Account.
Customer Reference - Ignored

Tag 25004 (OperatorID) will get populated witht he executing login id configured in the user-exchange setup.

Note, Certain behaviors are configurable at the logical port level. Contact the CBOE trade desk at (312)786-8700 to modify. The attributes of primary interest are (there are others):

"Cancel on Disconnect" - Defaults to 'All' which cancels all Day and GTC orders if our driver disconnects from the exchange. (Options are: All: Cancels all orders, Day: Cancels day orders only, None: Don't cancel orders.)

"Cancel on Reject" - Defaults to 'No' meaning an order is not cancelled if a revision fails. 'Yes' cancels an order if a revision fails.

"Carried Order Restatements" - Defaults to 'Yes'. 'Yes' is required on our platform or GTC orders will not be handled correctly.

CTI - Select the Broker Customer.
Origin - Select Customer.
Account Code - Select None.
Member Allocation - Must be the Clearing Firm in the format “CME:125” for OneChicago trading, “CFE:125” for CFE (VIX) trading. (Replace 125 with the clearing firm.).
Trader Allocation - Required. Enter the Clearing Account.
Customer Reference - Optional – Will populate tag 109 (ClientID)


Question: "We need the ability to send in a 2 as the CTI code for CFE. Our current choice is only 4."
Answer: Set Origin = NonCustomer and Account Code = NonMemberHouseAccount. This will result in a CTI code of 2 being sent.

A little more detail regarding CTI code. You set "BrokerCustomer(4)" on the Account Exchange Details page to satisfy the T4 system. This code is NOT sent to the exchange. The exchange gets Rule80A (tag 47) and we populate that based on the Account Code setting according to this table:



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