Modified on 2011/08/05 07:49 by Chad Lowe (CTS) — Categorized as: Uncategorized


PLOT_HISTOGRAM( <value>, <colwidth>, <fillcolor> )

PLOT_HISTOGRAM( <value>, <colwidth>, <fillcolor>, <linecolor> )

Draws a histogram (columnar) plot of the value.

Function Parameters
<value>The value to plot.
<colwidth>The width of the columns as a percentage of the width of a single time interval on the chart. A value of 1 would result in no gap between the columns, a value of 0.5 would result in a gap the same size as the columns, etc. (0.72 works really well)
<fillcolor>The color to fill the columns.
<linecolor>The color to draw the outline of the columns.

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