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All of the Activation order types can have a cancel time applied to them. The order will be canceled at the specified time.
Once you have selected your Activation Type and set your parameters you can then click the Order cancel time.


  1. Order Cancel Time Click the Order Cancel Time button to bring up the Date and Time menu to set the time you want the order to cancel.
  2. Date/Time You can select the specific date and time in the future for your order to Cancel. These orders will be held (i.e. suspended) in the T4 server until the specific time occurs. When this condition is met, the order is canceled.
  3. Time Lapse This allows you to specify how much time in minutes and seconds to go by before the order is canceled.

To place the order:
  1. Choose the quantity of the order in the "L:" box, or you can use the Volume Bar.
  2. Confirm the Activation Mode settings.
  3. The final step which places the orders is to click in the Bid column to buy or the Offer column to sell.

Confirm order has been submitted
You will not see the orders in the "My B" or "My O" columns as they are held on the server until the specified time conditions are met. You will see the orders in your order book under the "All" or "Held on Server" tabs.

To see when each order will enter the market you can add the "Activation" column to the order book via the properties.


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T4.Support@plus500.com (312) 939 0164

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