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Page History: 4.3.48 - 16 Feb 2016

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Page Revision: 2016/02/16 10:45

Enhancements in this version:

TradeSniper is Now Available

TradeSniper is a client side application that allows the user to create, chart, and trade custom strategies and spreads. Orders rest on the user’s PC, not on CTS servers, and they are not submitted to the exchange until the specified market conditions have been met, i.e. an order that is 8 bid will not be submitted until there is an 8 offer or better in the market. TradeSniper is not an autospreader and will not cancel and replace orders at the exchange.

TradeSniper can be enabled by the user by logging into www.t4login.com with the user’s firm, username and password. The functionality can then be chosen in the Setup User page, found in the menu on the left. Firm admins can also enable TradeSniper on behalf of their users.

Quick Start Guide

New Settlement Overlay

A new study has been added to charts to better display settlement prices (1). To add it, click the Add a Study button (2) in the chart, then choose Settlement Study from the Overlays section. The color and line weight can be adjusted by right clicking the chart and selecting properties.


Chart Time Scale Adjustment

The gap between the latest chart bar and the right edge of the chart (1) can now be adjusted and saved. To do this, click the properties button (2) in the chart, then the general tab (3), then scroll down the the Default Scale Margin (4). Setting this value to 0 will draw the chart without a gap between the latest bar and the right edge of the chart. To save this as default for all subsequent charts, click the Save as Default button near the top of the general tab in the chart properties.


Options Pro Contract Window Improvements

Options Pro users can now submit User Defined Spread (UDS) requests directly from the contract window. To do this, change the order type to RFQ (1) and submit an order of any quantity. If the market had not been available for trading this RFQ will also send a UDS request to the exchange and the market mode will change to open.

The Theo column in option contract windows now shows vega in dollars (2) as well as ticks.


New Time Type for Options Pro Standard Deviation Study

The standard deviation study in the model management window now offers a new time type for calculating standard deviation bands. The new calculation uses days to expiration (DTE) as the reference time for determining the standard deviation. Bands are then assigned in the same manner as before, based on this new time period. To enable the study, check the Show StDev box (1) and change the StDev Period to DTE (2). The bands (3) will be displayed on the graph in the model management window to the left and right of the at-the-money line (4).


New Precision Adjustment in Options Pro Sheets

Option sheets now offer the ability to ignore precision settings for theoretical values. This allows the sheets to remain streamlined for click trading while still providing enhanced precision elsewhere in the platform. To enable this, open the main properties window from the grey bar, then choose Options (1), Option Sheets (2), and Formats (3) on the left, then check the box labeled Theoretical Value (4) on the right.


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