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The Order Book displays all the orders for all the accounts that you have access to for the current trading day. The most common columns are visible by default. Each order listed will have a submission time, market description, buy/sell volume, price, order type, and status. Buy orders are displayed in blue, sell orders in red. A list of fills will exist if the order has been partially or completely filled. Order status provides you with important information regarding the current state of your order. Many additional Columns are available in Order Book Properties, Columns Tab.

Filtered views of your orders are provided by the View Tabs at the top of the screen. Simply click the view you desire and Order Book will display the appropriate orders. The default, All view, is an unfiltered view showing you all orders placed during the current trading day. The Working view displays only the working orders. The Filled view shows only orders that are partially or completely filled. Refer to the View Tabs section for a more detailed description of Order Book views.

The Order Book also allows you to print the contents of a view, pull or revise orders and retrieve additional Order Details.

To open a new Order Book, Click Order Book from the Main window’s New Item Menu.


TIP: You can now enable keyboard based order entry and revision tickets. To enable them go to Main window properties, Main tab and enable the 'Keyboard Order Entry' setting. This will display a simple order ticket at the bottom of the Order Book.

  1. Properties Brings up the properties for the orderbook
  2. Print Toggle between print, copy to excel, copy to clipboard, and check options
  3. Default Sort Sort descending by order submission time
  4. Sort Lock Locks the columns and does not allow you to sort them.
  5. Pull All Pulls all the orders out of the market
  6. View Tabs Change tabs to view different order books
  7. Total Orders Total number of orders displayed in the current view
  8. Columns Columns to display. You can add or remove the columns in the Order Book Properties
  9. Filter Bar Gives you the ability to filter the order book by exchange and to filter accounts. This is helpful if you have multiple accts and only want to see one accts activity not all.

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